Sunday 3 June 2012

The West Island Way

Ages ago Vicky invited me through facebook to an event, The West Island Way on the Isle of Bute.  I said to Pauline, do you think running 29 miles three weeks before the WHW race is too much? She said no, so I asked her if she’d like to come as well, and we accepted the invitation.

So yesterday I picked up Pauline at the back of 6.00am and never got home until the back of 10.00pm and the time in between was absolutely brilliant!

We met Silke at Wymess Bay for the 8.45am ferry; Vicky met us off the boat and drove us to the start of the West Island Way, we didn’t have long to wait until the rest of gang arrived, Ada, John, Terry, Sue and Drew.  There was a bit of a cool breeze but it was a bright sunny day, the weather was going to be good.

Customary photo and we were under way; I tried not to stop too often to take photos but I was clicking away, sticking in a bit of fartek to keep up.  I was in a new place making new footprints and I didn’t want to miss anything.   The West Island Way might be short in comparison to other long distance footpaths but it is super concentrated in terrain and scenery, rough shore path (with a notice to prove it!)
 tarmac road, farm track, rolling hills, forest track, open moor, beach, and even a golf course.

(love this photie)

A big thanks to Tommy (Mr Vicky) and their lovey assistant, Arran, for meeting us at Loch Fad with bottles of water and bars of chocolate. We had another stop at the Ettrick Bay Café where I have never seen such huge cakes, the size of the lemon meringue should be checked by the Guinness Book of Records and I had the biggest slice of carrot cake I’ve ever seen!  

The last few miles of the route have recently been changed. There are marker posts but no beaten track so with a bit of bog hopping and a lot of heather bashing

we made our way up the hill before dropping down and round into Rothesay and the finish.  Tommy and Arran were there with bananas, cans of juice and certificates for our achievements. 

Silke, Pauline and I will have to get better organised for next year, the others stayed overnight. There is talk of a winter run, count me in, this was my first visit to Bute and it won’t be my last.

Vicky, thank you and your family for your hospitality and showing us your island. A brilliant day out with great company, a day that’s going to keep me smiling through the dreaded taperitis of the next three weeks!


Vicky said...

Wow, looks brilliant fun x

Silke said...

Great report on a great day! Personally didn't like the donkeys and horses trying to block our way! I take cow poo juction any day after that! :-)
See you soon!