I decided to go down the way from Crianlarich, it’s not a usual starting point for any of my runs so I thought all the more reason to go from there, and I loved going at just my own pace, stopping to take a photo, looking at the scenery without having to catch up with a group. I wasn’t bothered about how far I’d go either, today was about getting out and enjoying a run on the WHW.

It was quite solid underfoot at coo poo alley on the way out with frost and ice on the path but the sun appeared and I had my shadow for company for the rest of the way down. I was looking to turn back at around 1.30pm because I wanted to finish in daylight, I was carrying my headtorch but I didn’t really want to use it. As I plodded on I wondered if I’d get to the top of the loch, one of my favourite viewpoints and pushed on a bit so I was sure I’d get there, carried on down for a wee bit longer then turned back, got back to my favourite spot and spent a good fifteen minutes just enjoying the scenery, solitude and sun on my face with a few thoughts, it didn’t matter my bum got a bit damp sitting on the mossy boulder.

My return journey was a nice steady run back, still taking in my surroundings but it did seem to be a bit more hard work to the crack yer heid tunnel and under the A82, I was back on the road towards coo poo and I was a bit disconcerted that I could see the cattle huddling on the path, I’m not too sure of the protocol regarding cow herding and I remember a couple of years ago we (there was three of us) climbing the wall to go round the beasts because they just wouldn’t shift.
This time I couldnae be ersed climbing the wall or staggering up the rough ground so I carried on running purposefully towards them as tall as a wee 5’ 2” wumin in trail shoes and a woolly hat could be, working my pink gloved hands forcefully and being as big as I could be. Well, there was a bit of relief! The first one moved up the hill, followed by a few more, there was a lot of mooing going on and one stayed on the path, had a bit of an adrenaline rush going past it, and headed back down the the hill to my car.
My first run on the WHW this year and thoroughly enjoyed it, today was one of those runs that confirm why I run.